How to really grow food in your backyard Here I share with you the secrets that have transformed me from a gardener with a not-very-productive vegie patch, to growing most of my family's fruit and veg.
A simple composting toilet Find out how to make a really simple but effective composting toilet for very little money.
About Asphyxia
Food and Nutrition
Traditional Foods My health has dramatically improved after changing my diet for a more traditional way of eating, as advised by Sally Fallon.
Food Flower Poster Forget the food pyramid! It was developed by the agricultural industry, not by nutritionists. Instead, print this Food Flower poster, which shows a visual guide to choosing nutritious and satisfying traditional foods.
Sourdough bread Recipes I make delicious sourdough bread in my bread machine - recipes and tips here.
Raw Food Should we be eating a diet of 100% raw food? Here's what I found by way of "scientific proof".
Raw garlic to cure colds & flu If you feel a cold or flu coming on, eat a whole clove of raw garlic, three times a day - it works miracles.