My blog has moved!! Yes, after years on Typepad, I've taken the plunge and jumped to Wordpress. Why? Wordpress gives me a lot more control to choose how my site will look, and I can integrate it with my regular website too.
Not only does my new site look fantastic, but I've taken all the good stuff I've written here over the years, and arranged it into articles and stories that are very accessible. There's a menu of articles about living sustainably, and another one about my journey as an artist, and one that reflects all the research I've done into food, health and medical conditions over the years. Lots of people tell me they love this blog when they dive in deep. Now you won't have to go into deep murky cyberland to find the good stuff! Just check out my new guide to my blog.
I've got a gallery too, a kind of online exhibition where you can see years worth of artwork in one place, and you get to pick whether you'd just like to see birds or pages from my journal or portraits.
AND... I've taken the plunge and built my own shop too, moving away from Etsy. This one is powered by Shopify and integrates much better with my new website and also my real life gallery/shop/studio at the Abbotsford convent. I'd love to know your thoughts, whether this is an ok place for you to buy my work, as opposed to Etsy. If you have been thinking of buying something for a while, would you consider doing it this week? Even if it's just small? And then tell me about your experience with the shop? I'm itching to road-test this but can't do it without customers!!
Please update your bookmarks, because I won't be posting to this blog any more, and eventually it will be taken down. See you over on Wordpress.