Every now and then I lose my way with my art. I wonder what I journal for. Is there any point to all this? Why bother? I stop for a while, and then I feel dull, and next thing I know I'm cranky and snapping at my family because I feel unfulfilled. It's clear I need to be creative to keep my soul in good state.
So I decided to create for myself a Creative Mission Statement, which I've put on the wall. I've divided my art life into four key areas:
- art study (which I always love cos I can't get enough of learning new things),
- art jobs (like making a notebook that I need or something as a gift),
- journaling,
- and making fine art pieces which I might eventually sell (this includes writing as well as visual art). I'd like to sell my art.
The blue boxes are there to remind me why I should do these things, even if I feel uninspired on a given day. For me usually the inspiration comes through doing, rather than beforehands, so a why-bother reminder is a good one for me.
Since I created this, I've regularly checked back and made an effort to do something in each category every now and then, and when I feel lost it reminds me that I AM on track and doing what I want to do with my art. And sometimes when I'm not sure what to do, I check out this picture and choose something I haven't done for a while to work on.